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- © 2025 Norsonic
- Personvern
- Laget av NYG
for lydnivåmålere, mikrofoner og lydkalibratorer.
Kalibreringssystemet Nor1525 kan kalibrere alle typer lydmåleinstrumenter, lydkalibratorer og mikrofoner i henhold til gjeldende nasjonale og internasjonale standarder.
The core of the test system consists of a test unit Nor484 and a PC system featuring a 24-bit DAQ board and dedicated calibration software.
An indoor environmental monitor is delivered with the system, providing the required environmental data in a fast and accurate manner for the calibration reports.
A calibration of a sound level meter is normally divided into two main parts: electrical calibration of the sound measuring instrument and calibration of the microphone. Eventually, an accompanying sound calibrator may be calibrated and used for an overall system check.
The measured results are automatically logged and used for an automatic generation of a calibration certificate, with appropriate uncertainty statements. If needed, the certificate may be edited by the operator. Automatic generation of reported values minimize the risk for errors generated by the operator.
The calibration system Nor1525 may be configured to suit specified applications and consists typically of:
The Periodic Verification of Sound Level Meters can be performed in accordance with several national and international standards. This includes measurements of:
The results from the microphone and instrument calibration may be combined to validate conformance with standards for a complete sound level meter.
The expanded uncertainties for calibrator and microphone measurements, are calculated as a combination of the uncertainty of the test system and the repeatability of the measurements. This includes the calculation of the standard deviations, degrees of freedom and coverage factor which are needed to estimate the 95% expanded uncertainty.
A digital and personalized course on uncertainties and how to set up an uncertainty budget can be purchased as option.
Each system is delivered with a certificate of calibration with traceability to SI units. Recalibration can be performed by the user with the built-in self test features (requires voltmeter), or by the manufacturer.
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