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Nor1545 er en robust og effektiv løsning for dine utendørs støymålingsprosjekter. Med en Nor145 installert har du tilgjengelig markedets mest innovative støymåler med siste generasjons mobil kommunikasjonsteknologi. Vær sikker på at du har dine støydata lett tilgjengelig i skytjenesten NorCloud.
Nor1545 kan brukes som en frittstående overvåkningsterminal eller administreres via NorCloud.
NorCloud har automatisk rapportering, prosjektstyring av dataene dine og avanserte triggerfunksjoner, (over, under, kombinert etc.)
Noise Compass kan benyttes for automatisk å sette markører og sende alarmer når dominant støykilde kommer fra en eller flere forhåndsdefinerte sektorer.
Med NorReview kan du utføre en grundigere analyse av støydataene i kombinasjon med Noise Compass og værdata.
Cabinet construction / material: High pressure molded fiberglass-reinforced
Weight Nor1545 (including Nor145): 3,3 Kg
Nor1545/B (including internal battery and Nor145): 5,1 kg
Option 2, set of mast mounting brackets: 650 g
Option 3, set of table top feet: 950 g
Size (WxDxH): 200x132x400 mm
Enclosure class: IP66 (IP 67 with extra sealant added in the cable gland)
Flammability rating (enclosure): UL746C 5 inch flame test.
Operational temperature: –20 to 50 °C
Recommended storage temperature: 10 to 30 °C
Temperature range for battery charge: 0 to 40 °C
Wall mounting: 4x M5 or M6 screws in a 180 x 380 mm pattern
Mains: 88 to 264 Vac (47-63Hz) / 125 – 373 VDC
12V input: 9-28Vdc
Support for Solar panel
Power consumption (typical): 3,5W
Nor145 with opt 1,12 and 16, Nor1216 outdoor microphone with Nor1227 microphone cartridge, and 5m mic. cable, weatherproof cabinet Nor1545 .
Includes filter, triggers and audio only available via NorCloud (no SLM use!).
Can be mounted directly to a wall.
Nor145 with opt 1,12 and 16, Nor1217 outdoor microphone with Nor1227 microphone cartridge, and 5m mic. cable, weatherproof cabinet Nor1545 .
Includes filter, triggers and audio only available via NorCloud (no SLM use!).
Can be mounted directly to a wall.
Nor145 with opt 1,12 and 16, Nor1216 outdoor microphone with Nor1227 microphone cartridge, and 5m mic. cable, weatherproof cabinet Nor1545/B .
Includes filter, triggers and audio only available via NorCloud (no SLM use!).
Can be mounted directly to a wall.
Battery not included.
Support for Noise Compass Nor1297 and weather station Thies Clima US.
Nor145 with opt 1,12 and 16, Nor1217 outdoor microphone with Nor1227 microphone cartridge, and 5m mic. cable, weatherproof cabinet Nor1545/B.
Includes filter, triggers and audio only available via NorCloud (no SLM use!).
Can be mounted directly to a wall.
Battery not included.
Support for Noise Compass Nor1297 and weather station Thies Clima US.
Declaration of Conformity Nor1545 Noise Monitoring Terminal
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